This is Mr McGowan's page for Standard Grade Administration.

On these pages you will find resources for the 7 units and links to screencasts for Area 2, the practical side of the course.

I have uploaded slides for Standard Grade Administration and will put as many resources or add links as possible to aid you in your studies.

I hope you enjoy Standard Grade Administration as it is a good course which teaches valuable and much needed ICT skills. It is not just about typing or working in an Office! Architects and laywers need to know about using ICT too!


View more presentations or upload your own. (tags: relative absolute)

Organisation Charts

Key Terms of Unit 1A

Business Departments

Friday 22 August 2008

Welcome to the SG Admin blog for the lucky or unlucky class as that may be to have me for two years!

On this blog I want to publish good work and have this forum for communication and sharing materials.

I want us to use this blog as much as possible so we can show off what we are doing in class to other pupils and parents/guardians.

Also people from all over the world have popped by on some of my blogs in the past so remember that when publishing any work. Spellcheck it and make it look fandabidozi (if you don't know what that means then ask someone a bit older than you!).

I'll post what we're doing next week as soon as I can.
hello mannnnnnnnnn puyreeeeeee pure pure pure MINTEDDDDDDD. pure.
Interesting and very boring blog
its been nice looking at nothing!!
just passing through to say hi ....
from Michelle

hey simone ere ?!??!?!?


hiya new blog mr mc gowan


heya sir love the blog mr mcgowan

Heyy Sir =D


Eagle Heads by Grant

Joanne Styles by Ross

Chirpy Cheeps by Mr McD
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