This is Mr McGowan's page for Standard Grade Administration.

On these pages you will find resources for the 7 units and links to screencasts for Area 2, the practical side of the course.

I have uploaded slides for Standard Grade Administration and will put as many resources or add links as possible to aid you in your studies.

I hope you enjoy Standard Grade Administration as it is a good course which teaches valuable and much needed ICT skills. It is not just about typing or working in an Office! Architects and laywers need to know about using ICT too!


View more presentations or upload your own. (tags: relative absolute)

Organisation Charts

Key Terms of Unit 1A

Business Departments

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Online Homework! - Office Layout

Bonjour my S3 Admin class.

Okay, in order to get you guys returning homework, because it hasn't been the best to be honest, I'm going to publish selected homeworks for everyone online.

This first one is a General Level HW. After this we will let you sit HW at different levels, the one that suits you best.

You can post your HW on this blog or email me it at my school address. Or you can even do it the old fashioned way in a jotter.

It is up to you and remember HW is a part of learning. WIthout doing your HW then you are not reinforcing learning. (And that is pretty darn important for Exams!)

What office layout will provide a more up-to-date environment with good lighting, soft colours and fitted furnishings?

1 mark

Give 2 advantages of this type of layout.
2 marks

Give 2 disadvantages of this type of layout.
2 marks

What office layout will provide privacy when required and the ability to keep confidential information secure?

1 mark

Give 2 advantages of this type of layout.
2 marks

Give 2 disadvantages of this type of layout.
2 marks

(a) Why are ‘L shaped’ workstations used in modern office layouts?

(b) What is a ‘hot desk’?

(c) Who might use ahot desk’?

(d) What is the difference between a ‘hot desk’ and a ‘touchdown station’?

4 marks

Total Marks 15

Thursday 6 November 2008

S4 Admin 2008 General Paper

When you guys were working on the 2008 General Past paper a few areas for improvement came up.

Videoconferencing - this allows employees to take part in meetings without having to travel to different locations. It's normally done by connecting monitors online. A bit like a webcam.

E-commerce - is buying/selling goods online

Courier - is a delivery service (like FedEx) that delivers your parcels quickly. Normally used for important items.

File Management System - this is used to have a clear structure for saving and finding files. We use it in our school when we have an SG Admin folder and then subfolders (WP, SS, DB etc).

RSI - Repetitive Strain Injury - this is an injury you get when you do something over and over. For example, not sitting properly can affect your wrists and give you the shakes. It can be solved by a wrist rest (usually made of gel)

Tuesday 4 November 2008

S3 & S4

S3 - Test results were mixed, but that is to be expected. It was your first ever theory test in SG Admin.

You did do well as a group in the WP Assessment, which was very heartening.

I am also looking at making giving out and recieving homework online. I will talk to you about this on Friday in class.

S4 - I hope you all enjoyed work experience. No doubt I will hear all about it.

Your focus is now on the S4 Prelims.

Practical work will be suspended for the time being and we shall use EVERY period to improve your theory work.

Mr Arthur is planning on creating some excellent short quizzes using Hot Potatoes for you, and I will make more screencasts (which are obviously aimed at the practical side of the course).

You will be given Past Paper questions, starting with the 2007 General Paper tomorrow!!!

Eagle Heads by Grant

Joanne Styles by Ross

Chirpy Cheeps by Mr McD
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