This is Mr McGowan's page for Standard Grade Administration.

On these pages you will find resources for the 7 units and links to screencasts for Area 2, the practical side of the course.

I have uploaded slides for Standard Grade Administration and will put as many resources or add links as possible to aid you in your studies.

I hope you enjoy Standard Grade Administration as it is a good course which teaches valuable and much needed ICT skills. It is not just about typing or working in an Office! Architects and laywers need to know about using ICT too!


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Organisation Charts

Key Terms of Unit 1A

Business Departments

Tuesday 24 November 2009

UNIT 6 Presentation of Information

UNIT 6 Presentation of Information
Why use graphs and charts to present information?
Ø Graphs are easier to understand
Ø Can see information at a glance
Ø Easy to identify trends/comparisons

If sales reps are looking at sales figures why should they consider using...

Why use a Line Graph?
Sales reps can see the gradual changes/trends in their sales performance and if they are approaching or exceeding targets.

Why use a Bar/Column Chart?
Sales reps can see at a glance how their performance compares with that of others/previous years.

Why use a Pie Chart?
The sales reps can easily identify how much they contribute to the total sales.

Why use a Pictogram?
This can be used to give a quick general impression of performance and targets.

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